Defining and non-defining relative clauses

Defining and non-defining relative clauses

In defining relative clauses, we can use that instead of which or who.

When can we omit who/which/that?

Who/which/that can be omitted if they are followed by subject + verb

Non-defining relative clauses

Non-defining relative clauses are used between commas, and they add extra information, which is not necessary to know who or what we are talking about.

We cannot use that, and we cannot omit who/which

In non-defining relative clauses (between commas), we cannot use that, and we cannot omit who/which.

Defining vs non-defining relative clauses

In a defining relative clause, the information is essential to identify who or what we are talking about, whereas in non-defining relative clauses, we just add extra information, which is not necessary. Compare:

Relative pronouns and adverbs

Here, you can see a grammar chart with the relative pronouns and adverbs that we normally use in relative clauses.

Relative clauses - Relative pronouns and relative adverbs

Common mistakes

Two subjects

When who, which, or that is the subject of a relative clause, we don’t use another pronoun or noun after it because we can only have one subject (who, which, or that).

That between commas

We cannot use the relative pronoun that in a non-defining relative clause (between commas)

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