Edit recurring sales invoices

Go to Sales , select Sales invoices , then select the Recurring Invoices tab.

Select the invoice to edit

Edit your recurring invoice to

Changes made to a recurring invoice are only applied to any subsequent invoices.

Change the invoice details

Edit the recurring invoice when you want to add or remove products or services, change product details such as prices or description, change invoice details such as delivery address, due days or terms and conditions.

Change the frequency

Update the schedule if you need to change the day an invoice is created. Note when the next invoice is due as you may create two invoices for the same period.

The starting date can't be changed once invoices have been created.

Cancel or delete a recurring invoice

You can cancel a recurring invoice before it's completed, for example, when customer cancels their order.

Change the email message

To change the email message text or the Copy to address,

  1. Open the recurring invoice.
  2. Select Edit message and make the required changes.

Change the email address

If you're sending invoices automatically and want to send the invoice to a different email address, then amend the contact record.

Invoices are always sent to the main email address on the contact.

To change this email address

  1. From Contacts , select Customers .
  2. Select the contact from the list.
  3. From the Contacts and Addresses tab, edit the Main Contact details and update the email address.