Is an application a legal document

Other Names: Employment Application Form Application for Employment Form Job Application Template Employment Application Template

Job Application Form document preview

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What is a Job Application Form?

A Job Application Form is a form that allows you to collect critical hiring information from candidates about their job history and their salary requirements. Job Application Forms can help you easily screen applicants and decide who you may want to interview for open positions at your company.

You don't have to reinvent the wheel to create a Job Application. Using our application template, you can create a usable form within minutes. We have also crafted our Job Applications to not include questions that may be illegal to ask in your state. For example, in most areas, you cannot ask about personal relationships and in states like California you cannot ask about salary history.

After you have created a Job Application Form for your open position, you can provide it to applicants who will then fill it out and return it to you. Job seekers can fill out their name and address, position applied for, emergency contacts, salary desired, and more. You can then use this information to decide if an applicant is right for your business.

When you use a Job Application Form, you'll also have a consistent set of records in case you need to review an applicant again or if a new position opens up.

When to use a Job Application Form:

Sample Job Application Form

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