Wisconsin Standards for Business and Information Technology

Standard: Describe the information provided in each statement and how they articulate with each other.

Wisconsin Standards for Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship

Learning Domain: Operations

Standard: Explain the nature of income statements.

Wisconsin Standards for Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship

Grades 9-12

Learning Domain: Operations

Standard: Interpret financial statements.

Income Statements Discussion Guide

Up Close and Personal with Income Statements Activity

Up Close and Personal with Income Statements - Lesson and Activity


This lesson teaches students about income statements. First, use the Discussion Guide (found in Task 1) to teach students about this concept. Then, use the activity (found in Task 3) to assess their understanding. This activity asks students to examine an income statement and see a real example of why they are so important to businesses. A full lesson module related to this concept can be found on the MBA Learning Center. Visit mba.instructure.com and search for "FI:094" in the Commons.

Discuss income statements as a class.

Use the attached discussion guide to lead the class in a lesson about income statements.

Learn about income statements.

Income Statements Discussion Guide