Missouri adoption birth certificate request form

Are you an adopted adult or the descendant of a deceased adopted adult?

Birth Certificates

The Missouri Adoptee Rights Act became law on August 28, 2016. Missouri born adopted adults, and lineal descendants of deceased Missouri born adoptees, may now request a copy of the adoptee's original birth certificate withouta court order. click below for more information

Adoption Records

The adoption records law changed in 2011. It is important to note that adoption records and birth certificates are not kept in the same file and are not accessed in the same way. click below for more information

Search Help

Whether you know who you are searching for or you are just getting started, finding someone in today's society can be challenging. Get help from an experienced person and or confirm throgh DNA. click below for more information

What About Other States?

Click on a state name to connect to their information about adoption records and birth certificate laws.

Things to Remember:

  1. Adoption Laws are DIFFERENT in every state.
  2. Adoption Records are usually found in a different location from Birth Certificates.
  3. Most court clerks and agencey employees will not tell you what all of your legal rights are.
  4. Most adopted adults and birth parents do not know what information they are legally entitled to recieve.
  5. Many searches can be completed for free or for a small fee.
  6. Search companies should offer you a guarantee. Be sure to get the guartantee in writing before you pay.

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