Sam Costello has been writing about tech since 2000. His writing has appeared in publications such as, PC World, InfoWord, and many others.
Updated on December 10, 2019You can change your voicemail greeting on your iPhone whenever you like. Here's how to do it on an iPhone running iOS 11 and later.
You can create any voicemail greeting you'd like, and change it whenever desired. Here's how.
Tap Record and start speaking.
Want a detailed overview of how to use the iPhone's Visual Voicemail feature? Check out how to use visual voicemail on the iPhone.
The next time you want to change the voicemail greeting on your iPhone, follow these steps again. You can change your iPhone voicemail message as many times as you like; there are no fees or limitations to the number of greetings you create.
To use the iPhone's default voicemail greeting instead of your custom option, choose Default, rather than Custom in the Greeting screen. Your custom greeting is saved, so you can select it again.
Need to delete voicemails from your iPhone? Learn how to delete voicemail on iPhone.
Here are a few tips on how to use iPhone voicemail efficiently:
iPhone voicemail greetings cannot be undeleted, but some deleted voicemails can be recovered. Find out how to undelete voicemails on the iPhone.
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