How to Format a Document for a Notary

Some documents require the addition of notarial language. The type of language required depends upon the type of document. This language usually is at the bottom of the last page of the document. Some states allow the notary language to be on a separate page. Check with your Secretary of State for the notary requirements in your state.

Clarify the reasons for requiring notary language on your document. Certifying to the contents of a documents requires notary language known as a jurat, as well as an oral oath or affirmation. Confirming the identity of a signer requires a notarial paragraph known as an acknowledgment.

Place the jurat or acknowledgment at the bottom of the document, below the signature block, or on a separate page if permitted in your state.

A jurat will begin with the language "Subscribed and sworn to by ____ before me on the day of _.

An acknowledgment will begin with the language "Acknowledged by____ before me on the day of __ ,

Leave enough blank space to allow the notary to place her seal on the document. Don't place seals on top of words. A standard notary seal is round and about 2 inches in diameter.
