
Please visit the Graduate Admissions website for the most up to date details and requirements for admission into our graduate programs.

Program Requirements

  1. What master’s program does the CS department offer?
  2. I took a course at another institution. How do I apply for a transfer of credit towards my Stevens degree?
  3. I want to transfer into a program in your department. Tell me what courses I should take for that program.
  4. What is required to write a master’s thesis?
  5. Will Developmental English count toward my MS degree?

What master’s programs does the CS department offer?

The department offers four programs: Computer Science pathway, Computer Science, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity. The pathway program is intended for students who do not have a traditional undergraduate background in computer science. The pathways program requires successful completion of 36 credits, including foundational courses. The remaining programs require 30 credits each. For details of all the programs and their requirements, please see the latest academic catalog at

I took a course at another institution. How do I apply for a transfer of credit towards my Stevens degree?

The course may or may not be accepted toward your Stevens degree. Contact your advisor. He/she will direct you to the faculty member who teaches the Stevens course that most closely resembles the course you took. Fill out a transfer credit form and submit all possible documentation about that course (textbook, syllabus, assignments, exams, etc.) for that professor's consideration. He/she will determine if the course is equivalent to a Stevens course. If it is, you can apply the course toward your degree. A maximum of 3 outside courses can be applied toward a master’s degree; a maximum of 1 outside course can be applied toward a graduate certificate.

I want to transfer into a program in your department. Tell me what courses I should take for that program.

You must first request a change of program. Your request will be reviewed by the admissions committee for the new program. Expect that process to take at least two weeks and realize that you may not be admitted. If you are admitted into the new program you can then meet with your new advisor to form a study plan for the new program. The Computer Science department recommends that program transfer requests be submitted no later than December 1 (to begin the new program in the Spring) or April 1 (to begin in Summer or Fall). New students should not request a transfer immediately upon enrollment; new students should spend the first semester in their admitting program.

What is required to write a master’s thesis?

First, you must find an advisor, a full-time CS faculty member, who will agree to supervise your thesis over two semesters. You will enroll in CS 900 and your advisor will decide how many credits (between 5 and 10) you may earn for the thesis. At the conclusion of your thesis work you will be required to present your work to the department and must submit a written thesis to the library by the deadline.

Will Developmental English count toward my MS degree?

Developmental English courses (those with ELC numbers) do not count toward your MS degree. However, in your first semester (only) the course credits do count toward the 9 credits required to achieve a full-time course load. If you take English courses in later semesters you must submit a reduced load form.

Registering for classes

  1. Where do I find deadlines for registering or dropping classes?
  2. How do I register for a class for which I took the prerequisite courses but not at Stevens? The system will not let me register for this class.
  3. How do I drop a course that I am registered for?
  4. Can I substitute a different course for one required for a graduate certificate
  5. Is there a limit on the number of WebCampus (WS) courses I may take?
  6. How can I maintain full time status in my final semester?
  7. How do I participate in curricular practical training (CPT)?

Where do I find deadlines for registering or dropping classes?

Please consult the Stevens Academic Calendar for all deadlines:

How do I register for a class for which I took the prerequisite courses but not at Stevens? The system will not let me register for this class.

Fill out the change of enrollment form and email it to the course instructor along with an explanation of why you think you have the background necessary to succeed in the course. If the instructor agrees that you are adequately prepared for the course, he/she will finish filling out the form, digitally sign it, then email it back to you. You can then present the signed form to the Registrar and you will be allowed into the course. Note that only the course instructor can waive the prerequisite, not your advisor.

How do I drop a course that I am registered for?

You must fill out the change-of-enrollment form, have the course instructor sign it, and then submit it to Ms. Cucchiara. Be sure to submit the form before the last day to add or drop classes

Can I substitute a different course for one required for a graduate certificate?

Your advisor may allow course substitution if the courses are very close in content. Otherwise, no.

Is there a limit on the number of WebCampus (WS) courses I may take?

There is no limit on the number of WebCampus courses that a US student may take. International students are required to take at least 6 credits of classroom courses per semester. Since most graduate courses are 3 credits, an international student registered for 9 credits may take at most one WebCampus course that semester; an international student registered for 12 credits may take at most two WebCampus courses that semester. There is no limit on the total number of WebCampus courses that may be applied to an international student's degree, only a per-semester limit implied by the 6-credit rule.

How can I maintain full time status in my final semester?

Full time status for an international student is defined to be 9 credits, except for the final semester. For example, if you have taken 9 credits in each of your first three semesters, then it is acceptable to take only 3 credits in your final semester.

How do I participate in curricular practical training (CPT)?

The Computer Science department offers two options for students to participate in CPT: through cooperative education (with registration of CS 706) or via our dedicated course, CS 703. Students who are admitted to the co-op program will have the opportunity to interview with employers who have been invited to advertise their open positions to Stevens students. The interview may or may not result in a job offer. A co-op position is a full-time, one-semester paid position at the sponsoring company. Despite working full time, the student's status as a full-time student is preserved. The second path to CPT is CS 703, a graded one-credit course. Enrollment in this course permits a student to have an off-campus job, provided that the job activity supports the student's educational program. Students enrolled in this course must submit several written reports and one oral report for grading. The advantage of CPT via co-op is that the student need not seek a job him/herself; the disadvantage is that there are eligibility requirements (such as GPA and courses taken) that the student may not meet. The advantage of CPT via CS 703 is that there are no GPA/background requirements; the disadvantage is that the student must locate his/her own job.

Maintaining good standing

When is a student placed on probation, and what is required of a student on probation?

A student whose GPA drops below 3.0 or who receives an F on a course is placed on probation. Students placed on probation must meet with their advisor and develop a "remediation plan," which includes a set of courses to pass, with a sufficient GPA, in the upcoming semester. Students who do not raise their GPA to or above 3.0 in the following semester may face dismissal.

Graduate Courses

For every graduate course the following table lists the outcomes and syllabus, the prerequisite, the course coordinator, and when the course is typically offered. Please also see our pdf handouts for [1]consolidated lists of course pre-requisites and [2]recommended courses by topic area.

Undergraduate students may take any 500-level course for which they satisfy the prerequisites. 600 level courses may be taken only by undergraduates with GPA 3.0 or greater and with the permission of the course instructor.

Course Number Course Name Prereqs Coreqs Course Coordinator Typically Offered: Classroom Typically Offered: Webcampus
CS 501 Introduction to Java Programming
Outcomes / Syllabus
None Fall, Spring, Summer
CS 503 Discrete Mathematics for Cryptography
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate course in Discrete Mathematics or MA 502 Alexander Ushakov Fall
CS 505 Prob & Stochastic Proc I
Outcomes /
Fall, Spring Fall, Spring
CS 506 Introduction to IT Security
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate course in Discrete Mathematics OR MA 502 Susanne Wetzel unlikely
CS 510 Principles of Programming Languages
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate course in Data Structures and Algorithms OR CS 590 Eduardo Bonelli Fall
CS 511 Concurrent Programming
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate courses in Systems Programming OR Operating Systems OR CS 520 Eduardo Bonelli Fall
CS 513 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Outcomes / Syllabus
None Fall
CS 514 Computer Architecture
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate courses in Computer Organization and Data Structures and Algorithms, OR (CS 550 and CS 570). Reza Peyrovian Fall Fall
CS 515 Fundamentals of Computing None Michael Greenberg Fall, Spring, Summer
CS 516 Compiler Design and Implementation
Outcomes / Syllabus
Required: Undergraduate Automata and Undergraduate Algorithms. Highly recommended: Undergraduate course in Principles of Programming Languages OR CS 510 Eric Koskinen Fall, Spring
CS 519 Introduction to E-Commerce
Outcomes / Syllabus
None Fall
CS 520 Introduction to Operating Systems
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate course in computer architecture (computer organization), data structures and algorithms, and proficiency in programming in Java, C, or C++. OR (CS 550 AND CS 590). Igor Faynberg Fall
CS 521 TCP/IP Networking
Outcomes / Syllabus
Programming experience in Java, C++ or Python Moshiur Rahman Fall, Spring
CS 522 Mobile Systems and Applications
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate data structures and algorithms and experience in Java or C# OR CS 590. Dominic Duggan Fall, Spring
CS 523 Programming the Internet of Things using iOS
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 590 OR Undergraduate course in algorithms Spring, Summer
CS 524 Introduction to Cloud Computing
Outcomes / Syllabus
An undergraduate course in operating systems OR CS 520. Igor Faynberg Spring
CS 526 Enterprise and Cloud Computing
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590 Dominic Duggan Fall
CS 532 3D Computer Vision
Outcomes / Syllabus
None Enrique Dunn Spring
CS 537 Interactive Computer Graphics
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590 Philippos Mordohai
CS 539 Real-Time Rendering, Gaming, and Simulation Programming
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 537 Philippos Mordohai
CS 541 Artificial Intelligence
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergrad linear algebra and probability OR CS 556 Jie Shen Fall, Spring
CS 544 Health Informatics
Outcomes / Syllabus
None Samantha Kleinberg Spring
CS 545 Human-Computer Interaction
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590 Fall Spring of even-numbered years
CS 546 Web Programming
Outcomes / Syllabus
Prior practical programming experience in at least one high level programming language is required. (Java, Python, JavaScript etc.) Patrick Hill Fall, Spring, Summer Fall, Spring
CS 548 Enterprise Software Architecture and Design
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590 Dominic Duggan Spring
CS 549 Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590 Dominic Duggan Fall Summer
CS 550 Computer Organization and Programming
Outcomes / Syllabus
None Fall, Spring, Summer Fall, Spring, Summer
CS 553 Intro Text Mining and Statistical NLP None Fall, Spring Fall, Spring
CS 554 Web Programming II
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 546 Patrick Hill Fall, Spring, Summer Fall, Spring
CS 556 Foundations of ML
None Jie Shen Fall, Spring
CS 557 Intro NLP None Fall
CS 558 Computer Vision
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate Linear Algebra and Data Structures and Algorithms; OR (MA 544 OR CS 556) AND CS 590 Fall
CS 559 Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Applications
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergrad linear algebra and probability OR CS 556 Yue Ning Fall, Spring Fall, Spring, Summer
CS 560 Statistical Machine Learning
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 559 Jie Shen Fall, Spring
CS 561 Database Management Systems I
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590 Samuel Kim Fall, Spring, Summer Fall, Spring, Summer
CS 562 Database Management Systems II
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 561 or Undergraduate data base management course Samuel Kim Fall, Spring
CS 566 Smartphone and Mobile Security
Outcomes / Syllabus
( (CS 385) and CS 306 ) or ( (CS 570 or CS590) and CS 506 ) or Under Instructor’s permissions Fall, Summer
CS 570 Introduction to Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate object oriented programming, or CS 501 Reza Peyrovian Fall, Spring, Summer Fall, Spring, Summer
CS 573 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590 Edward Amoroso Fall, Spring
CS 574 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590 David Klappholz Fall, Spring, Summer
CS 576 Systems Security
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 631 Georgios Portokalidis Spring
CS 577 Reverse Engineering and Application Analysis
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 631 Georgios Portokalidis Fall
CS 578 Privacy in a Networked World
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 506 OR CS 579 OR CS 594 Susanne Wetzel Spring
CS 579 Foundations of Cryptography
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 503 AND (Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590 Antonio Nicolosi Spring
CS 581 Online Social Networks
Outcomes / Syllabus
(Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590) AND Programming experience in Python Fall, Spring, Summer
CS 582 Causal Inference
Outcomes / Syllabus
None Samantha Kleinberg Fall
CS 583 Deep Learning
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 556 OR Undergrad linear algebra and probability Jia Xu Fall, Spring
CS 584 Natural Language Processing
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 556 OR undergrad linear algebra and probability Yue Ning Fall, Spring
CS 589 Text Mining and Info Retrieval Xueqing Liu
CS 590 Algorithms
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate Data Structures OR CS 570 Fall, Spring, Summer
CS 593 Data Mining II: Advanced Algorithms for Big Data
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 594 Enterprise and Cloud Security
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 526 or CS 548 or CS 549 or permission of instructor Dominic Duggan Spring
CS 595 Information Security and the Law CS 506 OR CS 594 OR FIN 545 Spring
CS 596 Introduction to Windows Programming CS 631
CS 597 User Experience Design and Programming
Outcomes / Syllabus
None Spring of odd-numbered years
CS 598 Visual Information Retrieval
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate data structures and algorithms OR CS 590 Philippos Mordohai

Graduate Courses (600-899)

Course Number Course Name Prereqs Coreqs Course Coordinator Typically Offered: Classroom Typically Offered: Webcampus
CS 600 Advanced Algorithm Design and Implementation
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate discrete mathematics, and data structures and algorithms OR (MA 502 AND CS 590) Reza Peyrovian Fall, Spring
CS 601 Algorithmic Complexity
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 600 Sandeep Bhatt Spring
CS 609 Data Management and Exploration on the Web
Outcomes / Syllabus
None Hui (Wendy) Wang Spring
CS 615 Systems Administration
Outcomes / Syllabus
Background in systems programming and operating systems is recommended. Interested students should describe their programming background and experience with Unix; enrollment with permission of the instructor only. Jan Schaumann Spring
CS 631 Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
Outcomes / Syllabus
Background in systems programming and operating systems is recommended. Interested students should describe their programming background and experience with Unix; enrollment with permission of the instructor only. Jan Schaumann Spring
CS 638 Advanced Computer Graphics
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 537 Philippos Mordohai
CS 643 Formal Verification of Software
Outcomes / Syllabus
Undergraduate Discrete Mathematics, data structures and algorithms OR CS 600 David Naumann Fall
CS 665 Forensic Analysis
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 631 Georgios Portokalidis rarely (Spring)
CS 676 Advanced Topics in Systems Security
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 576 Georgios Portokalidis Spring
CS 677 Parallel Programming for Many-core Processors
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 537 or CS 511 or CS 631 Philippos Mordohai Spring
CS 691 Introduction to Systems Biology
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 693 Cryptographic Protocols
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 579 Antonio Nicolosi occasionally (Fall)
CS 694 Advanced Computational Modeling in Biology and Biomaterials Science
Outcomes / Syllabus
CS 696 Database Security
Outcomes / Syllabus
(Undergraduate databases or CS 561) AND CS 506. Hui (Wendy) Wang occasionally
CS 703 Curricular Practical Training
Outcomes / Syllabus
Permission of instructor Enrique Dunn Fall, Spring, Summer 1, Summer 2
CS 706 Co-Op Engagement in CS Permission of Graduate Academics Enrique Dunn
CS 800 Special Problems in Computer Science (M.S.)
Outcomes / Syllabus
Permission of instructor Each full time faculty member has his/her own section Fall, Spring, Summer
CS 801 Special Problems in Computer Science (Ph.D.)
Outcomes / Syllabus
Permission of instructor
CS 803 Special Problems in Computer Science (Engineer degree)
Outcomes / Syllabus
Permission of instructor
CS 810 Special Topics in Computer Science
Outcomes / Syllabus
Permission of instructor occasionally
CS 950 Design Project (Engineer degree)
Permission of instructor

Back to Top Required Documentation

For questions related to program requirements and application materials, please check with the Office of Graduate Admissions at

For more details on deadlines and how to apply please visit the Office of Graduate Admissions website.