California Driver’s Handbook

Parallel parking is when you park in line with the road and other parked vehicles. To parallel park:

1. Find a space. Look for a space at least three feet longer than your vehicle. When you find a space, turn on your signal to show that you plan on parking.

2. Pull up alongside the vehicle in front of the space. Leave about two feet between your vehicle and the vehicle next to you. Stop once your rear bumper is aligned with the front of your parking space. Keep your signal on.

Find a parallel parking space

3. Check your blind spots. Look in your rearview mirror and over your shoulder for approaching vehicles and pedestrians.

4. Begin backing up. Turn your steering wheel to back into the space at about a 45-degree angle.

Parallel Parking: Checking Blind Spots

5. Straighten out. Begin turning the steering wheel away from the curb when your rear wheel is within 18 inches of the curb. You may need to pull forward and backward to straighten out. Your vehicle should now be parallel and within 18 inches of the curb.

Parallel Parking

6. Parking. Turn off your vehicle and set the parking brake. Before you exit your vehicle, look carefully for passing vehicles, bicycles, and motorcycles. Exit when safe.

Straight Line Backing

To back up in a straight line:

  1. Traffic check. Observe traffic and check appropriate blind spots.
  2. Signal. Activate the turn signal before pulling up to the curb. Cancel the turn signal once completed.
  3. Check your blind spots. Look in your rearview mirror and over your shoulder for approaching vehicles and pedestrians.
  4. Begin backing up. Back in a straight line for three vehicle lengths while remaining within three feet of the curb. Stay aware of what is behind you when backing up.
  5. Control. To maintain control of the vehicle, back at a smooth, safe speed and adjust the steering wheel when needed. Practice until you can keep the vehicle straight. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to pull away from the curb.

Parking on a Hill

Parking on a Hill

When you park on a hill, your vehicle could roll due to equipment failure. Remember to set the parking brake and leave the vehicle in park, or in gear for manual transmission. To park:

Parking at Colored Curbs

Painted colored curbs have special parking rules.

Parking at Colored Curbs

Example of crosshatched (diagonal lines) area.

Illegal Parking

Never park or leave your vehicle: